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                about us

                Chunyang heavy

                Dalian Chunyang Heavy Industry Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chunyang heavy industry) is located in gezhenbao Yangquan Industrial Park, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, which is close to the mountain and near the sea and has convenient transportation. It has three casting processing and manufacturing bases, i.e. Zhuanghe ancient city machinery factory, Dalian Henry Foundry Co., Ltd. and Dalian Jinzhou Oriental steel casting factory. It has a farm covering an area of 1800 mu (Dalian hehuawan family farm) in Zhuanghe.

                       Dalian Chunyang Heavy Industry Machinery Manufacturing Co., LtdIt has strong design and production capacity, as well as general welding, special welding, mechanical processing and assembly capacity for smelting, power generation and other large steel structures.

                In 2012, according to the market demand, the cold press forming technology of metal thick wall and small diameter cylinder was launched, which has become a special product. At present, it has been cooperated by many domestic enterprises and achieved good economic and social benefits.

                In 2013, Dalian Chunyang International Trade Co., Ltd. was established, which is subordinate to Dalian Chunyang Heavy Industry Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and has independent import and export rights. It is mainly engaged in import and export trade of mechanical processing to Japan, Europe and the United States and other countries.

                Dalian Chunyang Heavy Industry Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has more than 200 employees, including more than 40 professional and technical personnel. The company covers an area of nearly 70000 square meters, including a construction area of nearly 40000 square meters. It has 8 workshops and 3 open hoisting sites.

                The company has more than 30 sets of processing equipment, such as 4.6 × 10 m CNC gantry milling machine, 160 CNC floor boring machine, 120 × 3600 plate rolling machine, 50Mn quick forging oil press, 2.5 × 16 m CNC horizontal lathe, rocker drill, general lathe, general boring, general milling, vertical lathe, elbow, automatic welding, CNC flame cutting machine, etc.

                Chunyang heavy industry adheres to the enterprise philosophy of "creating first-class enterprises, cultivating first-class talents and making first-class contributions", the service tenet of "safety, energy saving, high quality and efficiency", relying on good external environment and policy support, rapid development, sincere provision of high-quality products and satisfactory services for domestic and foreign merchants, and is willing to carry out more extensive cooperation and exchanges with merchants.

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                • Safety
                • Energy saving
                • Efficient
                • High quality

                PRODUCT CENTER


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                CONTACT US


                Dalian Chunyang Heavy Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.



                email:cyzg@mwjfx.com dlcyzg@163.com
                address:Ganjingzi district, dalian city leather town fort town sheep industrial park

                Cooperation and negotiation





                can't see clearly. Change itcan't see clearly. Change it

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                中国一重China First Heavy Industries · 大連华锐重工集团Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry Group
                日立建機日本株式会社Hitachi Construction Machine Co., Ltd. · 日本鋳造株式会社Japan Casting Co., Ltd.
                日鐵住金物流八幡株式會社NIPPON STEEL @ SUSMIKIN LOGISTICS YAWATA · 日本COSMIC工業株♀式会社Japan Cosmic Industry Co., Ltd.
                日本IHI Japan IHI Co., Ltd · 韓国斗山船¤機(大連)有限公司Doosan Ship Machine Co., Ltd.
                Copyright: Dalian Chunyang Heavy Industry Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd